What is thrush

Most people associate thrush with vaginal infections, but the truth is that thrush is a situation which can infect any person including males and infants. Thrush is mostly curable but in some very rare situations has been found to be a threat to life especially if the person is suffering from any other sexual transmitted disease. While thrush in men and women mostly affects their sex organs, in small babies and even in some adults can occur in the mouth which is categorized as oral thrush.

Thrush is basically an infection which is cause by an increased number of Candida Albicans which is found in the skin, digestive tract, mouth and vagina of most adults. The number of these micro organisms is controlled by the immunity of the body and also the presence of other organisms which are naturally present in the body. There may be other bacteria like Gardnerella Vaginosis and Trichomonas Vaginalis, which can lead to thrush if they multiply in the body.

Thrush mostly occurs in the moist and warm regions as the bacteria can easily multiply in such areas. In men and women the sex organs thus provide with the perfect place where the bacteria can grow and reside. In women the symptoms are soreness and irritation in the vaginal area which may be accompanied by a thick white vaginal discharge. If men are suffering from thrush they will also have irritation on the head of penis and men who are circumcised have a lesser chance of suffering from thrush. Small babies can also suffer from this problem, though there infection is mostly limited to their mouth and causes white patches on tongue and inside the mouth.

There are many causes of this irritable problem but the most common of these are diabetes and a prolonged dose of antibiotics. Wearing very tight clothes which keep the lower body tightly covered also increase the number of the culprit Candida. Many a time’s thrush is transferred from an infected partner to an uninfected partner as a result of sexual intercourse. It is thus necessary that if one of the partners is taking thrush medications the other should also do the same to keep more infection from spreading.

Thrush is very easily curable by use of fungal creams and certain prescribed pills. If irritation continues even after proper medication or if a person has recurrent problems then they should get proper test done which kills the problem at its root.