how to write a standard business letter

Business letters represent the pattern of your business and style of communication that can develop or contract your business. Thus the way you write these letters is crucial and the use of right format is also important. The basic points of writing good business letters are easy to learn and remember.

Guidelines to be followed

There are various guidelines that can be followed for writing these letters, which provide phrases usually found in any standard business letters, and all of these phrases are used as a frame and introduction in the content of business letters. A successful business letter is one which argues your business objective and through the use of standard phrases, these business letters are given a professional tone.

The Start for your business letters

The start to the business letters should include the person you are addressing the letter to like Dear Personnel Director, if you know the post, or Dear Sir or Madam, when you don’t know who you are writing to. Always use Ms for women unless asked to use Mrs. or Miss or in cases when you are not sure. The reference to the letter should also be given along with the reason or the purpose for the letter. In case of requests, terms like ‘Could you possibly?’ or ‘I would be grateful if you could’ should be used.

How to close the business letters?

Mention if you are enclosing documents and the closing remark should always use a term to thank the person and give a reference if required. The letter should end with ‘yours faithfully’ if you don’t know the person and ‘yours sincerely’, if you know them by name.